The Williams College of Business

Advertising for/Hiring an Intern

How do I Advertise an Internship/Hire a Xavier Student Intern?

Please review Xavier University Job Posting Policy for details on advertising internships to our students.

After selecting your student candidate(s), follow your normal company interview procedures. Hire the student directly and determine work hours, salary, etc.

If the student elects to earn academic credit, the student will complete the necessary paperwork through our office. They will provide you with the form that you will need to sign. Once the student is registered for the course, you will receive a confirmation email and an internship guide which outlines your duties as an internship company supervisor.

Can You Recommend Students/Send Student Resumes Directly?

While we cannot recommend specific students (per The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)'s Principles for Professional Conduct for Career Services and Employment Professionals), there are other ways to contact students directly. These options are also addressed via the Xavier University Job Posting Policy.

Must I pay an intern?

In compliance with the U.S. Dept. of Labor's Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), interns must be paid for their work at a "for-profit" company. More details on the U.S. Dept. of Labor and the FLSA.

Non-profit companies or exempt government agencies may offer either paid or unpaid internships.

Can an intern be considered an "independent contractor"?

Interns (whether receiving academic credit or not) cannot be "independent contractors" due to IRS regulations. The IRS has stated that 1099 status (independent contractors) is reserved for individuals who require little instruction on how work should be completed, little training on procedures and little supervision. More information on "independent contractor" regulations.

What's the average pay rate for an internship?

Paid internships must pay at least the state or federal minimum wage (whichever is higher). In the State of Ohio, minimum wage is $7.85 as of Jan. 1, 2013.

Average Hourly Rates (2012) for internships in the Williams College of Business:

Department Rate
Accountancy $15.02
Economics $12.67
Entrepreneurship $12.71
Finance $13.02
International Business $12.40
Management $12.01
Mgmt. Info. Systems $11.44
Marketing $11.24
Strategic H.R. Mgmt. $11.65
Overall $12.46