Office of Residence Life

Residence Life Staff Recruitment




Information Sessions:

We like to provide a time for interested students to meet some of our team, hear more about what the role entails and meet current RA's from across campus! 

In Person Info Session

Wednesday, November 29th 

7-8:30 PM

Clocktower Lounge


Virtual Info Session on Zoom

Monday, December 4

7 PM

Access the Zoom at this link 


Info Session Powerpoint


RA Job Description

The requirements to be an RA are:

  • Student at Xavier University for at least one full semester by the start of employment
  • Sophomore or above by the start of employment
  • Have above a 2.5 cumulative and semester GPA 
  • Good conduct standing with the University 
If you do not meet either of these categories regarding GPA of Conduct standing, there is a place in the application supplemental materials to explain what happened and still be considered for the RA position.


Below are the major parts of the application and recruitment process and at the bottom is a list of dates that correspond with the major parts of the process:

Application: Xavier RA Application

Resume: Residence Life has the goal for the Resident Assistant position to also be a professional development opportunity for students outside the RA role. This year, we will collect a resume as RA's will be provided various experiences and skills to then add as they transition to new roles, internships, and eventually employment after graduation. You will submit your resume in the application.

The Career Center at Xavier provides sample resumes that we will accept, tutorial videos on tips and tricks for completing a resume, and opportunities to connect with Career Development for assistance.

Connecting with the Career Center:

Resume Templates and Examples:

Supplemental Materials (resume, headshot, etc.) upload: These will be uploaded in the application link.


References: Each applicant is required to have one reference to speak to your attitude, behavior, and potential as an RA candidate. We encourage a second form is submitted, but one is the requirement. References must fall within on of the following categories:

  • Faculty or staff at Xavier University
  • Student leader that you have interacted with in a meaningful way (Peer Mentor, current Resident Assistant, Smooth Transitions mentor, Interlink mentor, Manresa leader, executive board member of an organization you are a member of, varsity/club team captain, etc. If you are unclear if someone will count, please email Miguel Aguado ASAP to gain clarity:  
  • Former employer not associated with Xavier University; cannot be a family member or personal friend

Form to share with your References: Reference Form


Individual Interviews:

The final requirement of the Resident Assistant selection process is to complete an individual interview with members of the Residence Life staff. Once all applications have be received, you will be sent a link to sign up for your interview. Individual interviews will happen between 1/23/23-02/03/23.

*There is an opportunity for a virtual interview for those candidates that cannot meet in person.


Below are the important deadlines for the process:

  • Information Session 1: November 29th 2023 at 7:00 pm EST (Clocktower Lounge)
  • Application Opens: November 9th, 2023
  • Application Due: January 12th at 12 Noon
  • Individual Interviews: January 23rd- February 6th
  • Notification to Candidates about Hiring Decision: February 16th


QR code for RA App