Student Handbook


3.8.1- Long-Term Consequences of Sanctions

A student's record of student conduct follows them throughout their college career. After graduation, educational institutions such as law and medical schools, as well as potential employers, may contact Xavier to verify any disciplinary history. This could determine or impact acceptance or hire. While the goal of the Student Conduct Process is to contribute to student learning by responding to student behavior fairly and educationally, it is important that students remember that violating Xavier's Standards of Student Conduct, and being found responsible, may result in sanctions that could be have long-term implications for the student.

3.8.2 - Retention of Disciplinary Conduct Records

Generally, Student conduct files are maintained electronically. Some hard-copy files may be maintained in addition to the electronic filing system and may be found in the office of the Dean of Students or the office of Residence Life. Upon completion of the student conduct sanction(s), the student will be returned to good conduct standing, but the record of the hearing outcome, sanction(s), and supporting material will be retained in the student's file (a FERPA protected educational record) for a minimum of seven years following the incident date or date of continuous separation from Xavier University. At that time, the material may be destroyed except for those records verifying suspension or expulsion. Records for those who stop attending Xavier during a pending or active investigation, records will be kept indefinitely until the student returns, at which time the regular retention schedule will be followed. Conduct records may be introduced and given due consideration in any subsequent student conduct investigation in which the student may be involved. For more information, please see section 1.8.2 - Maintenance of Records.