Welcome To The Neighborhood - Community Voices
As part of the Xavier University community, welcome to the neighborhood. Xavier's campus lies within the neighborhood of Evanston and the City of Norwood, and shares a border with the North Avondale neighborhood. These communities are rich in assets, diversity, and opportunities for community engagement and resource sharing. Xavier's neighbors have much to teach us.
Welcome to the City of Norwood. Mary C. Miller of Norwood Together shares the assets of the city, opportunities for community involvement, and invites Xavier students into relationships with their neighbors.
Norwood Together
City of Norwood
Welcome to the City of Norwood. Leslie Stevenson XU ‘14 MS of ASAP Norwood, shares her experience as a resident striving to empower the city’s youth, a vocation she discerned through her employment at Xavier, later as a Xavier graduate student, and through continuous volunteerism and community involvement.
ASAP Norwood
Get involved: asapnorwood@gmail.com
Welcome to Evanston. Nia Baucke XU ‘12 shares her favorite things about living in Evanston, her vocational discernment process to becoming a business entrepreneur, and tips for Xavier students in their academic pursuits and community engagement towards meaningful careers.
The Neighborhood of Evanston
Flora Lee Naturals
Welcome to the Evanston Business District. Taren Kinebrew and Crystal Grace, co-founders of Cream + Sugar Coffee House, share about being African American women business entrepreneurs, the development assets of Evanston, the impact small businesses make in the neighborhood, and share vocational discernment advice for Xavier students.
Cream + Sugar Coffee House
King’s Way Cafe
316 Beauty Salon
Welcome to Evanston Academy, one of the top performing neighborhood schools in Cincinnati. Former principal Stacey Hill-Simmons discusses the important role of her teachers and how community engaged partnerships with Western Southern, General Electric Aviation, NASA, and Xavier University help every student achieve and see gains in their academic growth. Evanston Academy has been recognized as a Distinguished School by the Ohio Department of Education (2020), and as a National Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education (2020).