Community Engaged Research and Scholarship
At Xavier, our faculty not only incorporate community-based teaching and learning into courses, but also turn that activity into robust research to improve teaching and learning through the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), and through research that engages community partners for mutual benefit. Faculty considering this area of scholarship should consider the following Evaluation Criteria for the Scholarship of Engagement utilized by the National Review Board. The following resources provide information on funding, targeted journals, and examples of Xavier Faculty scholarship.The Eigel Center’s annual Community Engaged Scholars (CES) Faculty Research Mini-Grant Program is open to faculty who propose a research project that focuses on an investigation of service-learning pedagogy and practices here at Xavier University or pursues research that engages community partners through shared academic and community goals.
Suggested Journals for Community Engaged Research and Scholarship
IARSLCEThe International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IJRSLCE) is a peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to the publication of high quality research focused on service-learning, campus-community engagement, and the promotion of active and effective citizenship through education. IARSCLE also hosts an annual international conference for presentations on papers, research, and roundtables.
Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement
The mission of the Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement (JHEOE) is to serve as the premier peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal to advance theory and practice related to all forms of outreach and engagement between higher education institutions and communities. This includes highlighting innovative endeavors; critically examining emerging issues, trends, challenges, and opportunities; and reporting on studies of impact in the areas of public service, outreach, engagement, extension, engaged research, community-based research, community-based participatory research, action research, public scholarship, service-learning, and community service. JHEOE is a peer-reviewed, open access journal published quarterly online at the University of Georgia. For past issues and submission guidelines, visit the journal website.
Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning
The Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning is a national, peer-reviewed journal for college and university faculty and administrators, with an editorial board of faculty from many academic disciplines and professional fields at the University of Michigan and other U.S. higher education institutions.
The Michigan Journal includes only articles about academic service-learning, campus-community partnerships, and faculty engaged scholarship. Contributing authors represent a wide range of academic disciplines and professions.
The Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning is published annually online and in print by the OCSL Press, the publication arm of the Edward Ginsberg Center for Community Service and Learning at the University of Michigan. For issues and submission guidelines, visit the journal website.
Journal of College Student Development (JCSD)
The largest and leading source of research about college students and the field of student affairs, publishes scholarly articles and reviews from a wide range of academic fields. Since 1959, scholars in student affairs, higher education, sociology, psychology, social work, nursing, business administration, and health sciences have been finding their voice with JCSD. Journal of College Student Development is the official journal of the ACPA--College Student Educators International. Guidelines.
Journal on Excellence in College Teaching
The Journal is a peer-reviewed venue published at Miami University since 1990 by and for faculty at universities and two- and four-year colleges to increase student learning through effective teaching, interest in and enthusiasm for the profession of teaching, and communication among faculty about their classroom experiences. It answers Ernest Boyer's (1990) call for a forum to present the scholarship of teaching and learning. The Journal provides a scholarly, written forum for discussion by faculty about all areas affecting teaching and learning, and gives faculty the opportunity to share proven, innovative pedagogies and thoughtful, inspirational insights about teaching. For information about submitting manuscripts, subscriptions, or other inquiries, visit the Journal website
Journal of Service-Learning in Higher Education
The Journal of Service-Learning in Higher Education is an online, international, peer-reviewed journal for the dissemination of original research regarding effective institutional-community partnerships. Our primary emphasis is to provide an outlet for sharing the methodologies and pedagogical approaches that lead to effective community-identified outcomes. The Journal of Service-Learning in Higher Education is a subscription-free journal with a review board made up of various academic disciplines of the member institutions of the University of Louisiana System as well as other nationally and internationally accredited colleges and universities and affiliated organizations. Additional resources can be found in this annotated reading list by Campus Compact and at Research in Service Learning: Publishing Opportunities Resource List
Examples of Xavier Faculty Community Engaged Scholarship
Ceo-DiFrancesco, Diane; Dunn, Leah S.; and Deaton, Gina (2021) "Transformation Toward Cultural Competence: Occupational Therapy Students' International Immersive Experiences," Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship: Vol. 13: Iss.2, Article 18.
Carolina Marturet, Diane Ceo-DiFrancesco, Oscar Mora, Cali Xochitl Leon. (2021) "Virtual Dual Immersion Program: Educators Collaborate across the Jesuit Network to Transform Student Learning," International Association of Jesuit Universities' "Best Practices in Jesuit Higher Education."
Drs. Melissa Baumann and Debra Mooney. (2021). "A Concrete Way of Redefining Jesuit Pedagogy for the Modern Age" - The Road Through Xavier: A comprehensive Ignation course of study for student formation," International Association of Jesuit Universities' "Best Practices in Jesuit Higher Education."
Alexander, E.S., Browne, F.R., Eberhart, A.E., Rhiney, S.L., Janzen, J., Dale, K., & Vazuez, P. (2020). Community service-learning improves outcomes, content knowledge, and perceived value of health services education: A multiyear comparison to lecture. International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, 8 (1), Article 5.
Enslein, Teri; Wiles, Brenda (2020). Impact and Reasoning: Applying Community Service Learning in a Non-Traditional Field. Journal of Experiential Learning, 00 (0), 1-20.
Ceo-DiFrancesco D., Dunn L.S., Solorio N. (2020) Transforming Through Reflection: Use of Student-Led Reflections in the Development of Intercultural Competence during a Short-Term International Immersion Experience. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. Mar 17;18 (2), Article 8.
Bertaux, N., Smythe, K. R., & Crable, E. (2012). Transformative community service learning: Beyond the ‘poor,’ the ‘rich,’ and the helping dynamic. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 12 (2), 34-45.
Kessinger, T. A. (2010). Service Learning. In T. C. Hunt, J. C. Carper, T. J. Lasley, & C. D. Raisch (Eds.), Encyclopedia of educational reform and dissent (Vol. 2, pp. 813-815). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Zucchero, R. A. (2011). A co-mentoring project: An intergenerational service-learning experience. Educational Gerontology, 37(8), 687-702. Doi: 10.1080/0360127/1003723487