Center for Teaching Excellence

Faculty Legacy Projects - 2

Many members of the faculty spend long careers engaging with students and colleagues at Xavier. The FLC on Faculty Legacy Projects will foster reflection upon this engagement from the later-career perspective. Topics may include designing or completing a culminating teaching- or research-related project; succession planning for programs that faculty have been learding; sharing senior faculty expertise with other colleagues and/or alumni; or exploring new roles during late-career years or while phasing into retirement. In addition to these types of topics, the FLC on Faculty Legacy Projects will engage in discussions related to later life such as its spiritual dimensions. It is the intent of this FLC to foster individual legacy projects or plans for legacy projects, as well as to consider whether the group has recommendations to the University about support for late-career faculty, including consideration of what Xavier is currently doing effectively and where challenges lie.

This FLC is being funded through a grant from the American Council on Education and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to share and enhance best practices around three culminating stages of faculty careers: the development of a legacy, the transition into retirement and the continuing involvement of faculty in the academic community post-retirement. More information on the grant program can be found at:

FLC Members

John Getz (English)
Ravi Chinta (Management)
Sandy Korros (History)
David Rodick (Philosophy)
Phil Glasgo (Finance)


For questions about this particular FLC, please contact the FLC Facilitators.

Leslie Prosak-Beres (Education)
Steve Cobb (Economics)

For general questions about FLCs, please see the CTE website or contact:
Steve Yandell, Faculty Director of the CTE