Center for Teaching Excellence

Teaching Consultations

CTE faculty colleagues provide several types of confidential consultation to grow and improve your teaching practice. 

  • Class Observations: Observation on one or more class sessions to help gauge your effectiveness in the classroom; you will gain formative feedback on your teaching behaviors and on the observable behaviors of your students. 
  • Course Evaluation Consultation: Interpret and respond to student course evaluations. Being responsive to students' feedback about our teaching is an important step in improving teaching; you will receive guidance on making sense of students' comments and advice on how to positively respond to negative comments. 

Requesting A Consultation

  1. Complete the request form below at least 10 days in advance, identifying your reason for the request and your goals for feedback. 
  2. A CTE faculty colleague will contact you to set up the meeting or observation; they may also ask for additional  context about your request and your goals for feedback.
  3. For class observations: the CTE faculty colleague observes your class. For evaluation consultations: meet with the CTE faculty colleague.
  4. Meet with the CTE colleague to discuss your perceptions and receive feedback. You will also receive a written memo as a follow-up to this meeting.

A CTE observation or consultation is voluntary and confidential. These services are for the purpose of the continued development of educators and are not valid as a documented teaching evaluation for tenure or promotion. A faculty member may, however, include their activity with the CTE as a part of a teaching portfolio or in a teaching narrative with an explanation of documented steps taken toward the goal of continued professional develop as an educator.