

 All of you, stored online.

You might wonder why all of this data collected about you is valuable?

It's because YOU are valuable of course!

Well, what you like, what you don't like, what interests you, the foods you eat, music you listen to, places you go.......

Welcome to Surveillance Marketing

The advertising business has gone digital, which means when companies make useful tools you get to use for free, they aren't free at all. You pay for the service by giving them your data.

If the service is free, YOU are the product.

Your data then gets sold to 3rd parties interested in targeting YOU for any number of reasons, mostly advertising messages to specific demographics.

How much information do these companies have about you? Find out by clicking the links below, log in if you are not already, and remember, this is all information you WILLINGLY gave to these companies.





The listed companies above are FAR from all of the companies/apps/services that collect data on you. Now that you know, look through the settings on the apps you use, websites you visit, and services you are a member of, you might be amazed at what you are giving away.

And take a closer look at the terms and conditions next time you click, "I Agree."