Student Handbook

1.4.1 - Suggestions for Good Neighbor Relations

These are suggestions Xavier offers students to improve the quality of life off campus for students and their neighborhoods.

The neighborhoods around campus are communities and everyone living there shares responsibility for each other's safety. If students witness or find out about dangerous or unlawful activities around their homes, they should report it to the authorities as any resident would. Dial 911 for an emergency. The Norwood Police Department can be reached at 513-458-4520. The Cincinnati Police Department - District 4 (Avondale) can be reached at 513-569-8600 and District 2 (Hyde Park) can be reached at 513-979-4400. The citywide Cincinnati Police Department dispatch number is 513-765-1212.

Students are encouraged to introduce themselves to their neighbors. Likewise, they are encouraged to involve their neighbors in campus activities. Let them know what games, concerts, or other events are scheduled and bring them with you.

Students are also encouraged to involve themselves in their community's activities. Attend community council or association meetings and other activities when possible. The Eigel Center is the hub of Xavier's community engagement network that extends the campus into the community. Information and other resources related to community involvement can be found at the Eigel Center's website (

Know your rights and responsibilities under Ohio's Landlord - Tenant Laws. This and other information for students living off- campus are available at Xavier's website (