
Dr. Thomas Wagner
Professor and Chair, Communication Department
- 314 Walter Schott Hall
- Phone: 513-745-1046
- Fax: 513-745-3705
- ML 5171

Dr. Indra De Silva
Professor Emeritus, Communication Department
- Phone: 513-745-3087
- Fax: 513-745-3705
- ML 5171

Blis DeVault
Full Professor, Director DIFT Program - School of Arts and Innovation; Director Xavier TV and Film Center, Center for Innovation
- 312 Walter Schott Hall
- Phone: 513-745-3704
- Fax: 513-745-3705
- ML 5171

Dr. Ashley Hinck, PhD
Associate Professor, Communication Department
- 307B Walter Schott Hall
- Phone: 513-745-2959
- Fax: 513-745-3705
- ML 5171

Mr. Kyle Howland
Teaching Professor, Communication Department
- 311 Walter Schott Hall
- Phone: 513-745-2958
- Fax: 513-745-3705
- ML 5171

Ms. Ryssa Kemper
Administrative Assistant, Communication Department
- 305 Walter Schott Hall
- Phone: 513-745-3087
- Fax: 513-745-3705
- ML 5171

Dr. Wendy Maxian
Associate Professor, Communication Department
- 306 Walter Schott Hall
- Phone: 513-745-3126
- Fax: 513-745-3705
- ML 5171

Jon Nicholas
Television Studio Manager, Communications Department
- Television Studio
- Phone: 513-745-1939

Dr. Randy Patnode
Associate Professor, Communication Department
- 308 Walter Schott Hall
- Phone: 513-745-2955
- Fax: 513-745-3705
- ML 5171

Dr. Leslie Rasmussen
Associate Professor
Program Director, Political Communication Minor
Communication Internship Coordinator
- Phone: 515-745-3473
- ML 5171

Amelia Riedel
Teaching Professor, Department of Communication
- Walter Schott Hall 310
- Phone: 513-745-2954
- ML 5171

Ms. Jennifer Tighe
Senior Teaching Professor, Communication Department
- 309 Walter Schott Hall
- Phone: 513-745-3832
- Fax: 513-745-3705
- ML 5171

Dr. Andrew Zolides
Associate Professor, Communication Department
- Walter Schott Hall, Room 313
- Phone: 513-745-3887
- ML 5171
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