Recreational Sports


We are excited to offer memberships to all Faculty/Staff and Alumni of Xavier University in the Recreation Center. Memberships are extended to the faculty/staff or alumnus only, as we unfortunately cannot offer family memberships at this time. All memberships are paid in full, non-refundable, and non-transferable.  We currently only accept credit card as payment. Please speak with David Wiley, the Associate Director of Recreational Sports at or (513) 745-3094, if you have any questions about your membership. 


Faculty/Staff $120/year
Alumni  $325/year 

 *We do NOT have daily memberships or passes available to use our facility

Membership Categories


  • Those defined as Faculty/Staff include the following:
    • All Xavier Employees (including Adjunct Faculty) 
    • XU ROTC
    • XU Retirees
    • TriHealth Employees with a Xavier One Pass
  • All Faculty/Staff must have a valid One Pass to purchase a membership. Current and retired Faculty/Staff can get their One Pass through Auxiliary Services.
  • We do not sell memberships to spouses/family of faculty/staff.
  • Faculty/Staff parking passes trump Recreational Sport parking passes. Faculty/Staff are ineligible for a parking pass through the Department of Recreational Sports. 
  • If you are a faculty/staff of Xavier University, and also a full or part time student, your faculty/staff status trumps your student status, and you are not entitled to a student membership, and must purchase a faculty/staff membership. 


  • Parking passes for Recreational Sports Members and Patrons are included in the membership, and can park in the C-4 lot.  
  • We do not sell memberships to spouses/family of Xavier Alumni.
  • You can purchase your membership with a credit card at the Membership Services Desk. Membership will be good for one year from the date membership was purchased.