Areas of Interest
A unique feature of the program is the opportunity for students to develop their skills in one of three areas of interest: Children and Adolescent Psychology; Individuals with Severe and Chronic Psychopathology Problems (ISCPP), or Healthcare Psychology Across the Lifespan (HCPALS). The areas of interest are designed to expose students to basic issues and methodologies in working with populations that are presently underserved in our society. All students are required to take seven elective courses. Four of these are specified as Area of Interest Electives. The other electives are chosen by the student in consultation with their advisor. Practicum experiences are also available in the specific area of interest.
Children and Adolescents
Students who choose this focus include interests in pediatric psychology, autism and spectrum disorders, the effects of physical and emotional abuse, body image disturbances, and juvenile offenders. Courses in this area include:
- Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
- Child and Adolescent Assessment
- Child and Adolescent Interventions
Health Care Psychology Across the Lifespan (HCPALS)
Courses in this area include:
- Psychology in Primary Care
- Clinical Health Psychology
- Pediatric Psychology
- Health Issues in Geropsychology
Individuals with Severe and Chronic Psychopathology Problems (ISCPP)
Students who select this focus include interests in working with individuals with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and borderline personality disorder. Courses in this area include:
- Foundations in Psychotic Spectrum
- Intervention Techniques: Dialectical Behavior Therapy
- Intervention Techniques: Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
A curriculum guide is available at this link. Please use navigation options to the left to explore other components of the program in more detail.