Undergraduate Core Curriculum

First-Year Seminar

Students learning outdoors on campusFirst-Year Seminars (designated CORE 100 in the schedule) are designed to excite your intellectual curiosity in an intimate seminar setting.

As a first-year student, you will engage in questions and problems that are both interesting and intellectually challenging. You will develop skills in critical and creative thinking, such as interpreting complex texts, employing effective library research skills, constructing an argument and supporting it with evidence, and critically assessing multiple perspectives on "the greater good." Xavier faculty who teach FYS courses are committed mentors, guiding you to think about the evolution of your vocation and your aspirations to contribute to the world. FYS integrates students into the community of scholars at Xavier and establishes a solid foundation on which your other Core Curriculum courses will build.

All undergraduates who entered Xavier starting in Fall 2015 are required to take a FYS within two semesters of their arrival at Xavier. View the list of First-Year Seminars currently being taught.