
Graduate Ceremony


  • The Graduate Commencement Ceremony is Saturday, May 17, 2025 at 2:30 p.m. in the Cintas Center.  
  • Graduate students from all colleges attend the same ceremony.
  • The ceremony is live-streamed for degree recipients who elect not to attend in person and for family and friends. The live-stream is posted on the commencement homepage on the day of the ceremony.
  • Degree recipients who attend in person have their name announced and cross the stage with their diploma.


In order to have your name included in the printed Commencement program, all graduates must submit their application for graduation no later than Friday, March 14.

All guests are ticketed. More details about ticket policies will be available soon.

Guests should enter the main (south) entrance of the Cintas Center.  If you or your guests have any access or accommodations needs, please email 

Important Security Reminders:

  • All graduates and guests go through a security screening upon entrance into the Cintas Center.
  • Banners, flags, and anything that obstructs sight lines are prohibited.
  • Security and staff are present and engaged throughout the ceremony, any event disruptions will be addressed swiftly and accordingly.
  • Cap designs and messaging need to be respectful and appropriate; indecent, profane, or explicit content will not be permitted.
  • The designated area for demonstration or peaceful protest is Husman Stage.
  • Graduates responsible for disruption (interferes with the normal functioning of the ceremony) are subject to the Student Conduct Process (includes the risk of loss of diploma).


Degree recipients are encouraged to record the proper pronunciation of their name via Name Coach.  Information about this process is sent to degree recipients via email.  Recordings should be submitted no later than Friday, May 2 to allow name readers proper time to prepare for the ceremony.


Degree recipients should arrive at the Cintas Center between 1:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. on Saturday, May 17 and enter the assembly area inside the Cintas Center at the west entrance marked Student Athlete Academic Center.

Each candidate should obtain a name card that indicates a row/position according to degree. After taking your position in the line, candidates should remain in place and keep your name card. The name card will be used for reading your name when you walk across the stage. Volunteers direct degree recipients at appropriate times throughout the ceremony. No rehearsal is required.

Personal property should not be left in the assembly area. Xavier University cannot be responsible for missing articles.

The seating for candidates is arranged by degree and college.  Doctoral candidates are seated first, on the right side facing the stage. Doctoral candidates are presented by degree within each college (College of Nursing then College of Professional Sciences). Masters candidates are presented by degree within each college. Masters candidates from the College of Professional Sciences are seated on the left side facing the stage. Masters candidates from the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Nursing, and the Williams College of Business are seated on the right side facing the stage. 

Graduates should return to and remain in their seats until the conclusion of the ceremony.

We estimate the ceremony will last approximately 2 hours. 


The commencement program will be available here in pdf format prior to the ceremony.


Actual diplomas are not distributed at the Commencement Ceremony. Diplomas will be mailed from the Registrar's Office to the student address on file in Banner Self-Service in mid-July.  


Each ceremony is live-streamed for degree recipients who elect not to attend in person and for family and friends. The live-stream will be posted on the commencement homepage on the day of the ceremony.


The Office of the Graduate School invites all graduate students, administrators, faculty, staff, and guests, to the Graduate School Commencement Reception on Saturday, May 17, 2025. The reception begins immediately following the Graduate Commencement Ceremony. The reception will be held for one hour in the James & Caroline Duff Banquet Center, located in the Cintas Center. 

We hope you and your guests will join us as we celebrate your significant accomplishment and enjoy light refreshments together.

Please contact the Office of the Graduate School at 513-745-3957 or with any questions.