Design Elements
Primary Logos
The preferred use of the primary University logo is in its full-color variant. However, one color options are available. As a secondary use, the logo can also be used as a super graphic, used to frame a hero image of an individual. When used as a super graphic, secondary colors can be used to best highlight the hero image. The logo may not be reconstructed or altered in any way. It must always be prominent and legible. It must be reproduced from high resolution digital files.

Word Mark
The University word mark may be used in some situations when the primary University logo cannot be used. However, the primary University logo should always be the first choice when applying a logo. The preferred use of the University word mark is in one color.

University Signature
The only acceptable coloration options for the signatures are shown here. The one color reversed signature may be placed on any dark color background as long as there is enough contrast for legibility. The full color and Xavier Blue signatures may only be placed on a white or Xavier Blue background. The black signature may be placed on a light‑color background as long as there is enough contrast for the signature to be legible.

For More Information on Logos
To gain a comprehensive understanding of our logos and their proper usage, we recommend visiting our brand guide. This invaluable resource provides detailed information about our logo design, variations, and guidelines for implementation. It covers essential aspects such as clear space requirements, minimum size, color usage, and preferred backgrounds. If you need logos, you can submit a Logo Request Form to our team, providing details about your logo use and department you are in.
Color is an essential part of any visual identity. The primary color palette is made up of four colors, led by Xavier Blue. Use of color must be consistent across the university. Referring to these Pantone® (PMS), CMYK, RGB and Hex values will eliminate the guesswork. PMS and CMYK are used exclusively for print, while RGB and Hex values are used for digital applications. If you need further insights into color palettes, we recommend checking out the brand guide.

Xavier Blue
CMYK: 100, 76, 12, 70
RGB: 12, 35, 64
HEX: #0C2340
PMS: 289

More Blue
CMYK: 100, 70, 5, 0
RGB: 26, 26, 255
PMS: 2728

More Grey
CMYK: 14, 12, 21, 0
RGB: 215, 211, 204
PMS: Warm Grey

More Yellow
CMYK: 0, 10, 100, 0
RGB: 252, 214, 18
HEX: #FCD612
PMS: 116
The correct font is as important as the correct logo, color and tagline. The primary font for Xavier University is a customized version of Neue Montreal. Neue Montreal is a simple and clean sans serif type that is highly legible. The secondary font for Xavier University is Orpheus Pro. Orpheus Pro is a Serifed font with oldstyle figures that projects a sense of quality and refinement. Orpheus Pro can be used in both regular and italics. For detailed typography information, please consult the brand guide.
Substitute Fonts
The following typefaces are recommended for text on the web and as alternatives when Neue Montreal and Orpheus are not available.
- Neue Montreal can be substituted with Helvetica
- Orpheus can be substituted with Georgia.
For more Information
For a deeper understanding of our brand, its essence, and its guidelines, we highly recommend referring to the brand guide. This comprehensive resource contains valuable information about our brand identity, including our logo usage, typography guidelines, color palette, and overall visual style. The brand guide serves as a definitive reference for maintaining consistency and ensuring that our brand is presented accurately across various platforms and materials. It offers insights into the story behind our brand, its values, and the intended perception we aim to create. Whether you're a designer, marketer, or anyone involved in representing our brand, the brand guide is an indispensable tool that empowers you to showcase our brand in the most authentic and impactful way.