Mission and Identity

Orientation to Xavier's Mission and Identity For Graduate Students

Welcome to Xavier!

Founded in 1831 as the sixth Catholic university and fourth Jesuit university in the United States, Xavier University forms students who change the world for the better.

Jesuit graduate education invites deep reflection on these questions:

  • What gifts and talents do I bring to my studies?  to my fellow graduate students?
  • Where do I find God/Transcendence in the world around me?
  • If I think beyond my professional goals to my professional purpose – in what ways am I called to serve?
  • Who is in most need of my graduate skills and expertise?

A Humorous Take on Jesuit Education

Jesuit Educational Values

REFLECTION invites us to pause and consider the world around us and our place within it.

DISCERNMENT invites us to be open to God's spirit as we consider our feelings and rational thought in order to make decisions and take action that will contribute good to our lives and the world around us.

SOLIDARITY and KINSHIP invites us to walk alongside and learn from our companions, both local and afar, as we journey through life.

SERVICE ROOTED IN JUSTICE AND LOVE invites us to invest our lives into the well-being of our neighbors, particularly those who suffer injustice.

CURA PERSONALIS invites us to care for others recognizing the uniqueness and wholeness of each person.MAGIS invites us to ask, “Where is the more universal good?” when making decisions; it relates to the Jesuit motto, For the Greater Glory of God.

The Daily Examen: One of our greatest resources

St Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit order, believed that the 5 minute Ignatian Daily Examen prayer was the most important activity a Jesuit could do in their day to notice God’s presence and for self awareness.  Give it a try today – and tomorrow!

The Examen: A Daily Prayer

For more information visit:

Jesuit Resource dot Org. Providing resources in Jesuit education and Ignatian spirituality