Martyrs of the Universidad Centroamericana (UCA)
On November 16, 1989 six Jesuit priests at the Universidad Centroamericana (UCA), José Simeón Cañas, were assassinated along with their housekeeper and her daughter by the Atlacatl commando unit of the Salvadoran military.
For more details see our A-Z page
Online Resources
- The Legacy of the Jesuit Martyrs of El Salvador - Jesuit Conference
- Universidad Centroamericana's webpage dedicated to the martyrs
- Creighton University Resource Page
- Ignatian Solidarity Network Resource Page
- "Truth, then Justice: Memory and Healing in El Salvador", Luke Hansen, S.J.
- "Memory and Healing in El Salvador", Luke Hansen, S.J.
- Fr. Joseph E. Mulligan, S.J., describes the martyrdom and situates it in its historical and theological context.
- A Jesuit Inspiration, Dr. Michael C. McCarthy
- The Witness of the Central American Matyrs: A Social Justice Aesthetic at U.S. Jesuit Colleges and Universities
by Tim Dulle, Jr. in U.S. Catholic Historian 39(3), pp. 205-126
Published by The Catholic University of America Press, DOI.
From the 30th Anniversary in 2019 (in the AJCU's Fall CONNECTIONS)
- Honoring the UCA Martyrs: The Costliness of Jesuit Education Marcus Mescher PhD
- The Jesuit Martyrs of El Salvador: Lessons to the Faithful
- Jesuits offer pardon to colonel involved with 1989 El Salvador murders
- El Salvador court reopens investigation of 1989 Jesuit massacre
"The Legacy of the Jesuit Martyrs of El Salvador"
Dr. Marcus Mescher - "To Whom Do I Give My Heart? Reflecting on What the UCA Martyrs Mean for Jesuit Education Today", Part 1
Dr. Marcus Mescher - "To Whom Do I Give My Heart? Reflecting on What the UCA Martyrs Mean for Jesuit Education Today", Part 2
Dr. Gillian Ahlgren - "Reflections on UCA Martyrs and Jesuit Pedagogy"
David Inczauskis, SJ - "The Impact of the UCA Martyrs on My Vocation to the Jesuits"
Dr. Dave Johnson - "Inspired by the People of El Salvador", Part 1
Dr. Dave Johnson - "From Darkness to Light: Reflecting on What the UCA Martyrs Mean for Jesuit Education Today", Part 2
From the 25th Anniversary in 2014
- Honoring Jesuits Killed 25 Years Ago for Seeking Justice for the PoorDeborah Lohse
- Clear Voices, Silenced: Remembering the Murder of Six Jesuits, Mary Jo McConahay
- Murder of Salvadoran priests galvanized Jesuits in the US, Timothy A. Byrnes
- Fr. Andreu Oliva's homily from the service on the 25th anniversary of the Salvadoran Martyrs' passing
- Jesuits Reflect on the Meaning and the Martyrdom, William Bole
- Xavier University's Dr. Gillian Ahlgren reflects on how Jesuit education was influenced by this event
From the 20th Anniversary in 2009
- In Priest's Dining Room, a Reminder of Brutality in El Salvador
- El Salvador: War, Peace, and Human Rights, 1980-1994
- UCA Jesuit martyrs Remembered as Men of Peace
- Remembering the Jesuit Martyrs of El Salvador, Twenty Years On by Dean Brackley, S.J.
By Robert Lentz OFM
Featured Resources

The Martyrs of the University
This 28-page "virtual walk" with the 1989 Martyrs of the Universidad Centro-Americana (UCA) in San Salvador invites us to ponder the meaning of their story. With text by George Traub , SJ, it includes full-page artwork by sculptor Karen Heyl and sketches of the Martyrs by Stephen Kroeger.
Order The Martyrs of the University
Ignatian Journal
This handsome, spiral-bound "undated" planner is perfect for faculty, staff, and students alike. Its pages include quotes, illustrations, and reflections. Use it for your daily schedule or journaling.
Order Ignatian Journal
Jesuit Education and Ignatian Pedagogy
This colorful, double-sided desktop primer has basic facts about Jesuit Education and Ignatian Pedagogy on one side and the Gifts of Our Ignatian Heritage (mission, reflection, discernment, solidarity and kinship, service rooted in justice and love and justice, cura personalis and magis) defined on the other side.
Order Jesuit Education and Ignatian Pedagogy
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