Center for Diversity and Inclusion

Safer Zone Training Program

The Safer Zone Training Program, offered through Xavier’s Center for Diversity and Inclusion, aims to educate campus on advocacy for the LGBTQ+ community by promoting understanding, allyship, and inclusivity of the whole person. Safer Zone sessions must be taken in the following progression: Foundations, Society, Allyship. If you have previously taken a Safer Zone training at Xavier, please contact to confirm which session you should begin with. 

Safer Zone: Foundations
The purpose of Safer Zone: Foundations is to educate the Xavier community on foundational identities, terms, and experiences related to the LGBTQ+ community. *Beginning Fall 2020, Safer Zone: Foundations will be fully virtual offered through an asynchronous Canvas module! Complete the training at your own pace on your own time!

Click here to register for virtual Safer Zone: Foundations

Safer Zone: Society 
The purpose of Safer Zone: Society is to expand on foundational identities and terms to begin reflecting on our own perceptions of the LGBTQ+ community while identifying negative impacts of systemic systems of oppression.
*Safer Zone: Foundations is a prerequisite to this course*

Safer Zone: Allyship
The purpose of Safer Zone: Allyship is to create a network of supportive allies and advocate for the LGBTQ+ community across Xavier's campus.
*Safer Zone: Foundations and Safer Zone: Society are prerequisites to this course*

safer zone training program logo