Study and Work Abroad
Study abroad
At Xavier, we offer many possible destinations for you to study abroad in France and the Francophone world. We currently have semester or year-long programs in Paris, Grenoble, Lyon, Pau, Bordeaux, Dakar (Senegal), and summer programs in Lille and Angers. If there is any other city or country where you would like to study abroad, we can probably arrange that too! Not only is studying abroad an incredibly rewarding and fun experience, it will make you stand out on the job market as an adaptable and culturally literate candidate. Learn more about Xavier’s study abroad opportunities. To read more about Xavier French students and their experience studying abroad, click on the Student Spotlight tab.

Paris, France

Grenoble, France

Dakar, Sénégal
Work abroad
The Teaching Assistant Program in France is a program that recruits 1.500 American students (or permanent residents of the United States) majoring/minoring in French each year to teach English in public schools across all regions of metropolitan France or in the overseas department of France such as French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion. Find more information about the TAPIF program
The Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) is a non-profit organization promoting international education. CIEE can assist students in obtaining work permits in France, in addition to helping them locate potential employers. Learn more about CIEE
The Fullbright Commission offers one-year research and/or teaching positions in France. Learn more about Fullbright Commission
The Consulat Général de France à Washington has regular internships and positions available for American students learning French. Check Consulat Général de France à Washington website periodically for more information
For more local, national, and international internship opportunities, make sure to check our Facebook page French@Xavier.
French majors and minors going abroad should contact Prof. Johann Le Guelte ( for pre-departure advising.