All Card

Your All Card unlocks your student experience from ordinary to extraordinary.
Your ALL Card is your campus ID and is required to be with you at all times to assist our Safety and Security office and offer you easy access to university facilities, dining, library, sports center, bookstore, athletic and student activity events, et. al.
Your ALL Card is your key to access residence halls and buildings. Swipe your card and gain access to the buildings on campus.
Your All Card houses information such as your student number, financial information, and other relevant identifying information. For Lost/Stolen cards, please deactivate your card and get a new ID at the All Card Center.
To check your swipe usage, Dining Dollar, and X Cash balances click CHECK BALANCES
Dining Dollars are a prepaid flexible spending account for food and beverage that is accessible through your ALL Card and One Pass. This account allows students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to make contactless dining purchases on campus without the inconvenience of carrying cash.
*Dining Dollars expire on the last day of each spring semester*
X Cash is a prepaid flexible spending account accessible with your ALL Card. Make convenient and secure purchases on or off-campus without the inconvenience of carrying cash. X Cash can be loaded online or at one of our cash kiosks.
* Vending - All vending machines on campus take X Cash! Learn More about using the vending machine with X Cash
* Copy and Print - As a part of your student account, a print fund allotment of $80.00 is loaded at the beginning of each semester. X Cash can be used to print if funds run out. Learn More about printing with X Cash
The All Card Center produces a variety of name tags or photo ID badges to meet Faculty and Staff needs. Learn more about name tags and ID badges.