Auxiliary Services

Vending and Laundry Services


All locations serving NesCafe brands and will accept X Cash or coin operation.

  • Alter Hall: Lower Level
  • Cohen Center: Student Lounge
  • Contaton Learning Commons: 2nd Floor Vending Area
  • Elet Hall: Student Lounge
  • McDonald Library: Lower Level

Request Service

Coffee Machines: 

Vending Locations Map

Vending Services Map

Thirsty? Need a snack? Pizza Anyone?

Xavier Auxiliary Services manages partnerships with Pepsi, Chartwells, and AVI to provide a variety of vending services on campus, including coffee, snacks, pizza, and bottled beverages.

Vending machines are located conveniently in high foot traffic areas throughout campus.

All vending services accept cash, credit/debit, and X Cash, depending on the type and location of the machine.

Pizza ATM

Xavier University's Pizza ATM® vending machine is the first in North America and is a fully automated vending machine that preserves, bakes and dispenses fresh hot pizzas in approximately three minutes. Our fresh pizzas are made from scratch and loaded into the Pizza ATM® daily. The machine works like a bank ATM, but instead of it dispensing cash, it delivers hot, fresh, ready-to-eat pizza.