Master of Education in Reading

The Master of Education in Reading will enhance the graduate student's knowledge of the reading process with current theory and research as well as classroom application. The graduate student will develop the ability to work directly or indirectly with students who have either failed to benefit from regular classroom instruction in reading or those who could benefit from advanced training in reading skills.

The program also emphasizes the ability to work with teachers, administrators, and other professionals to improve and coordinate the total reading program of the school. This program is ideal for classroom teachers, media specialists, special teachers of reading, reading consultants, and reading supervisors.

The Ohio Reading Endorsement may also be earned while working on the M.Ed.

Features of the Master's Program

  • Attend classes offered in the evening and summertime
  • Complete a degree as a part-time or full-time student
  • Apply and begin in the summer, fall, or spring term
  • Quick admission as a non-degree student
  • Scholarship money for part-time and full-time students

For further information about the M.Ed. in reading, including an application, please complete the web inquiry form. Questions regarding the application process may be e-mailed directly to the Office of Graduate Admission at

To contact the Reading Director, Dr. Delane Bender-Slack, call (513) 745-3797. Dr. Bender-Slack may also be reached by e-mail at