University Library

Xavier Library Circulation

Circulation services provides the check out and return of physical materials, including library materials such as books and videos, laptops, other technology, and equipment. It also manages and checks out the library's traditional reserves.

Borrowing Responsibilities

  • All items, including library materials, technology, and equipment, checked out on your library account or record.
  • Knowing the due dates of the items you have borrowed.
  • Returning or renewing items on time.
  • Checking your Xavier University email account for notices from the library.
  • Paying all overdue fines and charges for lost or damaged items.

How to Borrow Materials

To Check Out Xavier University Library Items:

  1. Browse Search@XU to locate the item you want.
  2. Find the item on the library's shelves using the item's call number and collection location.
  3. Bring the materials you want to check out to the Connection Center on the third floor (ground level) of the Conaton Learning Commons or to Connection Xpress on the first floor of the McDonald Library Building.
  4. Present library staff with either your ONE Pass, library issued card, or valid photo ID.

To Request Materials from Xavier University Library:

  1. Browse XPLORE to locate the item you want.
  2. When you find a book or video owned by Xavier University, click the View/Request in XPLORE link.
  3. On the resulting page click the red Request button.
  4. Library staff will retrieve the item you requested.
  5. You will receive an email notice when your item is ready to be picked up.
  6. Check out your item at the Connection Center on the third floor (ground level) of the Conaton Learning Commons.

To Request Materials from OhioLINK Libraries:

  1. Browse OhioLINK to locate the item you want.
  2. When you find an item owned by an OhioLINK library, click the green Request button.
  3. Follow the on-screen directions to complete the request.
  4. You will receive an email notice when your item is available to be picked up (usually within 5 business days).
  5. Check out your item at the Connection Center on the third floor (ground level) of the Conaton Learning Commons.

To Request Materials Not Owned by Xavier or Any Other OhioLINK Library:

  1. Check Search@XU to make sure the item you want is not available at Xavier or in OhioLINK.
  2. Request your item through Interlibrary Loan
  3. Physical items, such as books and videos, requested through Interlibrary Loan may take 2-3 weeks to arrive at Xavier.
  4. You will receive an email notice when your item is available to be picked up.
  5. Check out your item at the Connection Center on the third floor (ground level) of the Conaton Learning Commons or Connection Xpress on the first floor of the McDonald Library Building. .
  6. See also: Interlibrary Loan FAQs

Loan Periods for Students, Faculty, Staff, Alumni and Guests

Material Type Patron Type Loan Period No. of Renewals/ Renewal Period
Xavier Books

Undergraduate Students

3 weeks 6 renewals/3 weeks
Graduate Students 1 semester 1 renewal/1 semester
1 year 1 renewal/1 year
OhioLINK Books All Students
3 weeks 6 renewals/3 weeks
6 weeks 6 renewals/6 weeks
SearchOhio Books All Students
3 weeks 3 renewals/3 weeks
Xavier Audiovisuals All Students

1 week

3 renewals/1 week
1 week 3 renewals/1 week
OhioLINK Audiovisuals All Students
1 week 3 renewals/1 week
1 week 3 renewals/1 week
SearchOhio Audiovisuals All Students
1 week 3 renewals/1 week
Xavier Periodicals Faculty
1 week 1 renewal/1 week
Xavier Reference Materials All Library Use Only
Xavier Course Reserves All Students
3 hours,
1 day,
3 days, or
7 days
No renewals
Laptop, Charger, and Cord All Students Must be returned 15 minutes before CLC closes No renewals
May be used outside of the Library
Xavier Theses and Dissertations All Students
3 hours No renewals
Library Use Only
Xavier Archives and Special Collections All

Library Use Only by Appointment
Contact Anne Ryckbost, Archives Librarian
( or 513-745-4821)

Interlibrary Loan All Students
Determined by the owning library

Renewing Materials

Renewable items may be renewed provided no other library patron has requested them in the following ways:

  • Renew items online using My Library Account or Record
  • Renew items in person at the Connection Center on the 3rd floor of the Conaton Learning Commons
  • Renew items by phone: (513) 745-3881

Overdue Notices

  • Overdue notices are sent via email as a courtesy.
  • Failure to receive an overdue notice does not exempt you from any charges that result from keeping items past their due date.
  • If an email address is not available, the notice is sent to the local/campus address on file with the Xavier University Library.

Overdue Fines and Replacement Fees

  • Fines are accrued when certain items are overdue. Items more than 30 days overdue are deemed Billed Lost and replacement fees are charged.


  • Fines and replacement fees are removed from student library accounts and charged directly to student bursar accounts at the end of each month.
  • If an item that has been Billed Lost is returned within one year of the Billed Lost date, a credit will be issued to a student's bursar account. Xavier books are credited $85.00 and OhioLink books are credited $110.00.


  • Faculty and staff are not responsible for fines for Xavier materials. They are however responsible for replacement fees or replacement copies for Xavier materials. (see table below).
  • Faculty and staff are also responsible for fines and replacement fees for OhioLINK and SearchOhio materials.


  • Fines and replacement fees may be paid at the Connection Center by cash, check, or X-cash. Credit card payments are not accepted. Checks must be payable to Xavier University Library.
  • Replacement copies of lost or damaged books will be accepted. The replacement must be a new, unused, same edition copy either in hardback or paperback. Credits will be issued to student bursar accounts if the replacement copy is received within one year of the Billed Lost date. Please contact the Circulation Supervisor, 513-745-4896, to make arrangements for replacement copies.
  • Unpaid charges will result in suspension or cancellation of library privileges and/or blocks on registration, transcripts, and diplomas.
  • Direct questions about overdue fines and replacement fees to the Circulation Supervisor, Meg Martin, 513 745-4896.
Material Type Overdue Fines per item Maximum Fines per item Replacement Fees per item
Xavier Books None $0 $85
OhioLINK books 50¢/day $15 $110 + overdue fines
Xavier audiovisuals None $0 $85
OhioLINK audiovisuals 50¢/day $15 $110 + overdue fines
SearchOhio items 50¢/day $25 $25 + overdue fines
Xavier recalled $1/day $15 $85 + overdue fines
OhioLINK recalled $2/day $15 $110 + overdue fines
Xavier periodicals None $0 $25
XU reference materials None $0 $85
Hourly course reserves 50¢/hour $10 $85 + overdue fines
Daily course reserves 50¢/day $10 $85 + overdue fines
Laptop $1/hour $24 $1,000
Charger cord $1/hour $24 $100
Xavier theses & dissertations 50¢/hour $10 $85 + overdue fines

Borrowing Limits

Material type Patron Type Borrowing Limits Holds Limits
Xavier Materials Students 200 100
500 500
5 5
OhioLINK Materials Undergraduate Students 50 25
Graduate Students
200 100
Alumni 5 5

Online Student Borrowing

Resource Sharing will provide library print materials and media via FedEx to students enrolled in online classes at Xavier.

  • Students must live 30 or more miles from campus and must not be attending any classes on campus in the current term. In your interlibrary loan account, please edit the account information to show the status of online student and make sure that you have listed your off-campus address.

Alumni Borrowing

Alumni of Xavier University are welcome at the McDonald Library and Conaton Learning Commons. Access to library resources and services are available for students who have graduated from Xavier University and require an XU Alumni ONE Pass. If you do not have an XU Alumni ONE Pass, contact the Auxiliary Services Center to request one.    

Guest Borrowing

Borrowing privileges are available for patrons with a current library card from the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, OhioLINK and SearchOhio Libraries. Most visitors are able to check out material as a Visiting Patron from these libraries. For exceptions to these guidelines please ask to speak to the Circulation Supervisor.

Circulation Service Location

Connection Center, 3rd floor (ground level) Conaton Learning Commons (513)745-3881

Circulation Hours

Library circulation services is available most hours the library or the Conaton Learning Commons is open, including evenings and weekends.

Circulation Staff

For further information on the Xavier University Library circulation policies, please contact Megan Martin, Circulation Supervisor.

  • Meg Martin, Circulation Supervisor and Traditional Reserves, 513 745-4896,