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Canvas Resources for your Students


Xavier offers a basic Canvas training course that all students are automatically enrolled in, called "Canvas Training and Resources for Students". This course will familiarize students with all of the student features in Canvas that they will need to know. Students can easily find the training course in their Canvas Courses menu and access those resources at any time.


In addition to the Canvas training course for students, many of the resources above can also be imported into any of your courses via Canvas Commons. Canvas Commons allows you to easily import resources and course content from other Xavier instructors into your own courses - as well as the many resources that the Instructional Design and Technology team has uploaded for faculty. Importing the student resources for the area(s) of Canvas that your students are struggling with will make your teaching life much easier, and your students will really appreciate it!

To access Canvas Commons, simply login to Canvas and click on the Commons link in the global navigation menu on the far left. (underneath the calendar and inbox)

When in Commons, search for "Xavier Online" in the search bar at the top of the page to find all of the resources for Canvas that are available to you. Once you have found a resource that you would like to import into any of your courses, first click on the name of the resource and then import it by simply checking the box beside any of your courses on the right side of the page, and then clicking "Import Into Course" underneath that. That's it! If you still need assistance with importing the resources into your Canvas courses, review the additional Canvas Commons import tutorial here.


In addition to the resources listed above, you and your students always have 24/7 access to Canvas Support by phone or live chat. Students can get all of the Canvas support they need at any time by dialing 855-778-9967, or by using the instant live chat link here. (also found in the Canvas "Help" menu under the Commons link)

The live chat service provides an additional benefit of being able to receive a transcript of the live chat log that the student had with the Canvas Support rep. (in case the student needs to refer to the instructions that the support rep provided at a later time)

Students can also find answers to many of their Canvas questions using the self-help Canvas Guides site.