
What is the Digital Media Major all about? What can Digital Media seniors do?

What is the Digital Media major all about? What can Digital Media seniors do?

These are questions we in the Communication Department get asked a lot. Universities and colleges across the nation are trying to figure out how to integrate digital media into their curriculum, and they are doing it under a wide variety of names in a wide variety of ways.

So, it's a fair question to ask. What IS our Digital Media major all about? We think the best way to answer that question is to point to graduating seniors' portfolio websites. After just two years, the Digital Media major already has nine graduating seniors. Their portfolio websites demonstrate a wide range of skills and expertise--insightful analytical skills, well-practiced writing, a keen understanding of internet culture, and a commitment to asking hard questions about who gets to speak and who gets to be heard in online spaces.


Baylea Johnson

Brenna Byrne

Claire Martin

Jocelyn Summers

Madison Craigo

Sam McIlvain

Meredith Bruno

Michael Concannon

Natalie Cortino