Pursuing Justice

We Learn and Serve Together so we can move towards Solidarity, Together.

The Center for Faith and Justice facilitates a number of service, immersion and other experiential learning opportunities to deepen students' understanding of social justice issues and commitment to their local and global neighbors. 
Group of dozens of students holding up art they made together at X-Change kick off

X-Change Weekly Service

The X-CHANGE Weekly Service Program provides an action-oriented entry point for you to engage in the Cincinnati community through weekly service and reflection. Think critically and pursue social justice as people for and with others. Site can accommodate a variety of schedules, and you will build new relationships on and off campus. Sign ups are in the first couple of weeks each semester.

Email Tala Ali to Get Involved
Group of seven volunteers with their arms in an X over their heads in front of a barn

Community Action Day

Once a semester, Xavier comes together for a morning of service and reflection across Cincinnati. This student-driven tradition brings together teams, clubs, residence hall floors, friends, and more to so anything from clean, garden, paint, cook, pack, sort and more. Keep your eye for for dates each semester, and apply to be a site leader to develop your leadership. Join us October 1, 2022.

Email Tala Ali for Details
Group outdoors spread out around the Camp Joy rock on a sunny day

Summer Service Internship

Deepen your journey and discern your future while spending your summer doing a paid internship for a local non-profit in Cincinnati. SSI is a unique program that combines an internship with intentional community and social justice education for an high-impact summer. Applications come out each January.

Summer Service Internship Information
Student in a helmet flexing her biceps as she straps into a high ropes course

Alternative Breaks

During Fall and Spring Break,  go with Alternative Breaks to various locations across the country and abroad to tackle injustice through education, direct service, and reflection that moves everyone closer to lifelong active citizenship. Deepen your AB journey by becoming a site leader or applying for the Board. Explore an issue that you are passionate about or learn something totally new.

Check on AB on EngageXU
Tables with information in Arrupe lounge in Gallagher

Consider a Year of Service

Exploring justice throughout your time on campus is likely to impact how you think about what is next. Consider a year of service after graduation. Work with Shannon Hughes to identify programs near and far where you could apply.

Email Shannon Hughes for Information
Three masked students giving a thumbs up while tabling

Join a Club

Many student organizations on campus have service or justice as a central part of their mission. Check out Xavier Student Sustainability, Voices of Solidarity, MuskieTigers, and more. 
Students gathered in winter in a Cincinnati neighborhood outside

Faith & Justice

At the CFJ, pursue justice as a practice of your faith, religion, or worldview. We love joining in on the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice, a tradition at many Jesuit schools. Many of our faith communities in the CFJ find ways to engage service and justice. You can also join clubs with justice-based missions, take justice-oriented coursework in the Theology department, get involved in CDI or pick up a minor. Xavier and the CFJ are places where your Catholic faith sends you out to pursue the common good in solidarity for and with others.

Email Shannon Hughes to Get Connected