Catholic Campus Ministry
Catholic Campus Ministry
The Dorothy Day Center for Faith & Justice (CFJ) is the home of Catholic Campus Ministry at Xavier. From retreats to reconciliation, praise to purpose, events to Eucharist, we create spaces where students can grow in their faith and make it their own.
Student-Lead Liturgies
Join us in the the iconic Bellarmine Chapel on Sundays for Catholic Mass at 4:00 and 10:00 p.m. Serve our community through liturgical ministries, singing in the Liturgical choir, playing an instrument or joining a mass committee. This is the heart of our Catholic community and where you can get connected to other opportunities. Bellarmine Chapel is home to both Catholic campus ministry and a parish community. Students are always welcome at any of their masses. Sunday parish masses are at 9:00 and 11:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Email Roberta Whitely to Get Involved
Our retreats are deeply rooted in Ignatian Spirituality and Catholic faith but welcome retreatants and leaders of many traditions. Retreatants and leaders alike are invited to bring their reflections back into their daily lives. Join us for our first step retreat, Approach, each semester. Encounter can serve as a great capstone to your faith experiences on campus, helping you discern what is next.
Email Colleen Ryan-Mayrand to Get Started
Tuesday Nights
This collaborative Catholic gathering in Bellarmine Chapel will bring your faith alive in community. Join Life After Sunday for Adoration from 5:30-8:00 p.m.. Confession is from 7-8 pm. Stay for a special student mass at 8:00 p.m. and then follow Catholic Ministry Team to Gallagher for Together in Christ—community building and fun that usually wraps up around 10:00 p.m..
Email Matthew Zurcher, SJ to Get Connected
Companion Groups
Companion Groups are weekly small groups that provide students with the opportunities to reflect on their lives, grow in faith and build community. Groups are held once a week, and you will be paired with a group depending on your faith tradition, experience and preferences. Grow your Catholic faith in intentional community.
Sign Up for a Group for This Year
Jesuit Ministers
Jesuits work in a variety of capacities, and some who work across Cincinnati live on our campus. You will see these Jesuits (and more!) presiding at Masses, advising student organizations, at reconciliation, adoration or retreats. Jesuits who affiliate with the CFJ may also be available for spiritual direction. Want to hang out with your favorite Jesuits? Eat lunch with them in the caf, Wednesdays at noon. Look for the table of collars...
Get to know the Jesuits
Life After Sunday
Life After Sunday (LAS) is a student organization that works to integrate Catholic faith into everyday life. Through praying the Rosary, studying the Bible, sponsoring Eucharistic Adoration, hosting Lord's Day dinners and hosting Holy Power Hours, LAS seeks Christ daily through prayer and community.
Connect with LAS on EngageXU
Reconciliation & Pastoral Care
Each week, you will find a priest for confession on Mondays from noon-1:00 p.m.. in the side chapel of Bellarmine and Tuesdays from 7:00-8:00 p.m.. in the Bellarmine Activity Room. Other times are available by appoint via email. Catholic pastoral care and spiritual direction can also be set up by appointment with a particular Jesuit Minister or CFJ staff person. Always feel free to talk to the presider after Mass as well. Matthew Zurcher, SJ is excited to walk with students through the Spiritual Exercises. Our lay staff also provide pastoral care and spiritual direction. Reach out to Colleen to get connected.
Find the Jesuit DirectoryEmail Colleen

Faith & Justice
At the CFJ, pursue justice as a practice of your Catholic faith. We love joining in on the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice, a tradition at many Jesuit schools. Many of our faith communities in the CFJ find ways to engage service and justice You can also join clubs with justice-based missions, take justice-oriented coursework in the Theology department, get involved in CDI or pick up a minor. Xavier and the CFJ are places where your Catholic faith sends you out to pursue the common good in solidarity for and with others.
Email Colleen Ryan-Mayrand to Get Connected
Bellarmine Parish
Our beloved Bellarmine Chapel is also home to a vibrant parish that serves much of the city of Cincinnati. Students are always welcome at parish masses, but can also get involved in ministry internships, RCIA, a Vincentian conference and more.
Learn More About the Parish