College of Arts and Sciences

What a semester! What a year!

What a semester! What a year!
Even the folks at the Oxford English Dictionary struggled to find the right word to express what we’ve experienced over the past months.
So I won’t try to characterize the semester that is now nearly complete. Instead, I write to wish you well during Final Exam Week.
What you have handled, what you have endured, what you have accomplished is unique in Xavier University’s 190-year history.
Despite all the obstacles, you have found ways to learn and achieve.
You have written new stories, stories worthy of pride.
And you have done so together, supporting one another along the way. Your discipline and responsibility have kept the campus safe.
So on behalf of all the faculty and staff of the College of Arts and Sciences, I congratulate you. We’re extraordinarily proud of you.
What’s left? Finish strong this week. We’ll be eager to welcome you back in January.


David Mengel, PhD
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences