College of Arts and Sciences

Faculty Development Requests

The College of Arts and Sciences offers rolling faculty development awards that are broadly related to pedagogy, scholarship and creative activity, and higher education best practices and innovations. These funds are awarded on a rolling basis throughout the year. They are primarily aimed at Principal and Participating Faculty in the college. These funds are based in gift money to the college and so the amounts available will vary and are not guaranteed.

Awards may be funded for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to:

  • A book launch or poetry reading
  • Unusual faculty publication expenses, such as the inclusion of images or lines of poetry in a publication, journal page fees (for approved journals), or expenses related to shipping art for a professional exhibition. Note that “unusual” means not every year for any given faculty member, but more like every 5-10 years.
  • Conference travel or other expenses to support University strategic plans (see below)
  • Expenses related to editing book reviews for a journal
  • Research expenses not related to travel

This academic year, CAS is particularly interested in supporting initiatives that related to University strategic plans regarding:

  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Immersive learning
  • Academic programs in data science and cyber security

Awardees in these categories will be expected to formally share the results of their travel or research through a written report and/or a session open to faculty, students and/or staff in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Awards may not support:

  • Student workers
  • Faculty stipends
  • Pedagogical development that can be handled by a Wheeler Award
  • Typical conference travel for principal faculty is handled through the travel fund. This fund is rolling. It has a separate form, accessible here, because it is approved by department chairs before going to the dean's office.
  • Conference travel for Participating Faculty (that is, Teaching Professors and Senior Teaching Professors) will also be handled through the separate form, accessible here. This travel will be approved by department chairs before going to the dean's office. Participating Faculty can put in requests for conferences that occur in the current fiscal year. These funds are based in gift money to the college and so the amounts available will vary and are not guaranteed.

Awards will typically be reimbursed against receipts. Awards for publication expenses may be paid directly by Xavier upon receipt of an invoice.

Grant recipients $1,000 and above will be listed in College news briefs or other venues.