College of Arts and Sciences

Welcome to Xavier


The Xavier Move Crew. It’s one of my favorite rituals at this time of year. Families roll up in long lines, from Ohio and New York, Milwaukee, Atlanta and dozens of other places. As soon each new Xavier student rolls down a car window, a yellow-shirted horde of cura personalis descends to whisk all the boxes and bags up the stairs to the student’s new home on campus. “Welcome to Xavier,” each volunteer says before leaving.

The Move Crew reminds me of the intensity of this moment: hundreds of families entrust us with their children, and 1,400 students begin to discover who they will become at Xavier.

As we look forward to the start of their academic journeys with you on Monday and Tuesday, I thank for all the ways that you do and will support them, challenge them, and inspire them. We’ve got a great responsibility, and a great year ahead of us.

David Mengel

Move Crew 2018