Xavier Journal of Politics

Volume I

The Xavier Journal of Politics
Vol. I, No. 1 (Summer 2010)

Student Editors
Esther Cleary, Class of 2011
Brice Lipman, Class of 2011
Geoff Parker, Class of 2011

Faculty Advisor
Mack Mariani, Xavier University

Faculty and Staff Review Board
Gene Beaupre, Xavier University
John Fairfield, Xavier University
Michael J. Ford, Xavier University
Brian J. Glenn, Suffolk University
Gordon Hewitt, Hamilton College
Anas Malik, Xavier University
Ryan Petersen, Delta College
John Ray, Xavier University
Tiest Sondaal, University of Cincinnati
Timothy J. White, Xavier University
Bin Yu, Xavier University

Table of Contents

Jenna Skop "The Financial Bailout: An Examination of House Votes on the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008," 1-12.

Allison White "Liberalism and Constructivism: Peace and DDR in the Democratic Republic of the Congo," 13-23.

Allen T. Boyd, Jr. "The Effect of Work Requirements and Educational Spending on Poverty Rates and Welfare Caseloads," 24-33.

Ashley Patrick "Civic Standstill in the Pearl of Africa," 34-38.

Kathleen Dapper "Elite Opinion and the Supreme Court," 39-48.

Michelle Theret "Predicting Civic Engagement in Young Adults: the Effect of Celebrity-Endorsed Public Service Announcements," 49-66.

Ben Scheuerman "Third Parties and City Council Elections," 67-77.

Katelyn Gray "Music and Dance: Timeless Mediums in Uganda," 78-83.

Kevin Hudson "Why are there so Few Conservatives in Academia? Testing the Self-Selection Hypothesis," 84-96.

The Xavier Journal of Political Science (XJOP) is the official undergraduate journal of the Department of Political Science at Xavier University. XJOP is published on an annual basis by Xavier University and articles are available online at www.xavier.edu/xjop. For information, please contact the Department of Political Science at 513-745-3017 or e-mail Dr. Mack Mariani at marianim@xavier.edu.