Interprofessional Teaming

Publications and Presentations

As a result of the Annual Inter-professional Care for Dementia Symposium, several publications and presentation have resulted. They are as follows:


  • Browne, F., Zucchero, R., Hooker, E., & Tunningley, J. (2019, Dec. 21). Longitudinal outcomes of a brief interprofessional educational experience with or without an interprofessional education course. Journal of Interprofessional Care, doi:10.1080/13561820.1702513

  • Hooker, E. A., Zucchero, R. A., and Hill, V.A. (2013). Longitudinal outcomes of a brief interprofessional educational experience among health services administration and occupational therapy graduates. Journal of Health Administration Education, 30(3), 181-195.
  • VanKuiken, D., Schaefer, J.K., Flaum Hall, M., Browne, F. R. (2016). Creating an integrated program for interprofessional education: Challenges and solutions for a university without a medical center. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice, 2(1), 5- 11. doi: 10.1016/j.xjep.2015.12.002
  • Zucchero, R. A. (2017). Psychology student experience of a brief, interprofessional team training. Psychology: Learning and Teaching, 16, 84-92. doi:10.1177/1475725716680459
  • Zucchero, R. A., Hooker, E. A., Harland, B., Larkin, S., and Tunningley, J. (2011). Maximizing the impact of a symposium to facilitate change in student attitudes about interdisciplinary teamwork. Clinical Gerontologist, 34, 399-412. doi: 10.1080/07317115.2011.588543
  • Zucchero, R. A., Hooker, E., Larkin, S. L. (2010). An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Dementia Care Improves Student Attitudes Toward Health Care Teams. International Psychogeriatrics, 22, 312-320. doi: 10.1017/S1041610209991293
  • Zucchero, R. A., Iwasaki, M., Lewis, M. M., Lee, J., Robbins, M. J. (2014). Social Justice Training Within Geropsychology: Non-Traditional Pedagogies to Cultivate a Competent Workforce. The Counseling Psychologist, 42, 946-971. DOI: 10.1177/0011000014540342


  • Harland, B., Moore, L. W., and King, M.O. (2011, January). Teaching interdisciplinary team skills to CNL students using an interactive symposium. The American Association of College of Nursing, CNL conference, Miami, FL.
  • Larkin, S. (2011, October). Bringing teaming to life: Developing student?s competence in geriatric interdisciplinary practice with older adults experiencing dementia. Counsel on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Tunningley, J., and Scheerer, C. (2009, October). Dementia: Applying clinical reasoning. Short course presented at the Ohio Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, Dayton, OH.
  • Tunningley, J., and Scheerer, C. (2010, May). Outcome of an interdisciplinary seminar on dementia care using components of problem-based and interprofessional learning. Short course presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association 90th Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
  • VanKuiken, D., Toole, D., Mulcahey, M., Harland, B., Niehaus, L., Browne, F., Dole, D., Hill, V., Hall, M., and Schaefer, J. (2013, April). Journey toward an integrated program of interprofessional collaboration. Panel discussion at Murray State First Annual Collaborative Learning Unlimited Excellence Conference, Murray, KY.
  • Zucchero, R. A. (2013, March). The effect of a brief interprofessional educational experience on clinical psychology graduate students. Paper presented at the 2013 Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) Annual Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL.
  • Zucchero, R. A., Hooker, E., Harland, B., King, M., Larkin, S., and Tunningley, J. (2011, March). Overcoming obstacles in implementing a brief interdisciplinary symposium on dementia care. Discussion presented at the 2011 Association for Gerontology in Higher Education Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio.