Dr. Alexis Dianda
Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department
Alexis Dianda received her PhD from The New School for Social Research in 2017. Upon completion of her PhD, she joined Dartmouth College as a Postdoctoral Fellow at The Leslie Center for the Humanities. In 2019, Professor Dianda arrived at Xavier where she teaches for the Department of Philosophy and the Philosophy, Politics, and the Public program.
Professor Dianda’s teaching interests touch upon a number of areas including American philosophy, feminist theory, and nineteenth- and twentieth-century continental philosophy. Her research is primarily centered on the relationship between moral and epistemological concepts in the history of philosophy. In addition to publishing essays in classical and contemporary pragmatic thought, Professor Dianda has a manuscript, William James and the Promise of Experience, forthcoming with Harvard University Press.
Ethics as Introduction to Philosophy
Philosophy of Hope
Simone de Beauvoir
American Philosophy, 19th Century Continental Philosophy, Moral Philosophy