Mission and Identity Programs

Ruschman ICP Project

Doug Ruschman

Executive Director for University Communications
Xavier University


Project Title:

Comprehensive Brand Elements of Our Jesut Institutions


Today, competition in college recruitment is fierce especially between institutions of similar type in the same region of the country. Some Jesuit institutions may compete in recruiting students, yet some see advantages in collaboration. Leaders of Jesuit colleges and universities seek ways to enhance their brands and stabilize their enrollments, yet they need methods for doing so. Marketing and enrollment management professionals at Jesuit institutions need information about whether a national Jesuit brand exists that can enhance recruitment for traditional undergraduate students, allowing for collaboration.

Project Details:

1. Host interviews with Chief Enrollment and Chief Marketing Officers at each of the 28 Jesuit institutions.
2. Discover the brand elements utilized for their own campus recruitment efforts.
3. Understand if the interviewees believe that larger, national Jesuit brand elements exist.
4. Best learn if collaboration opportunities exist.

From AJCU:

“Jesuit higher education provides students the opportunity to become thoughtful, competent, and compassionate men and women, with a commitment to the greater good and a passion for justice, preparing them for lives of leadership and service. It is through this distinctive mode of education that Jesuit colleges and universities are changing the world, one student at a time.” (2013)


In a historical context, Jesuit institutions have been reluctant to support a national Jesuit brand. Dr. Gene Laczniak, former marketing professor at Marquette, shared six reasons why Jesuit institutions have been reluctant to collaborative including historical independence, geographical segmentation, individual success, competitive caution, sibling jealousy, and marketing phobia.