Department of English

Connect with English Alum in Law School

Logan Kline, Xavier alumni is currently pursuing a J.D. at the University of Cincinnati College of Law. Read below about how studying English at Xavier helped prepare Logan for his career in law. 

"I am currently in my second semester at the University of Cincinnati Law School, and my Xavier English Major prepared me exceptionally for the requirements of a law school classroom. The challenges that many of my peers face academically are strengths that I developed in the English curriculum. For example, law school has required large amounts of reading case law, careful close reading of statutes, synthesis of rules from a variety of sources, and willingness to engage with the material in a meaningful way in class. Aside from the content itself, these requirements align largely with my experience as an English major.

I wanted to make sure that English majors at Xavier know that they are as well-equipped to attend law school after graduation as any other major, if not more so. Many of my professors and attorney mentors have mentioned how much of an asset they find an English background in the legal context."


Considering law school? Reach out fellow English alum, Logan Kline (!