The Brueggeman Center for Dialogue

Support The Fellows Program

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Networking for Former Fellows

We invite former Winter-Cohen Brueggeman Fellows to join our Alumni Group on LinkedIn. This group provides a platform for former Fellows to connect with one another, and it is also a way for the Brueggeman Center to keep in contact with Fellows who are interested in being highlighted on social media, or engaging with the current program as speakers, etc. 

Follow the Brueggeman Center on Social Media

A simple way you can engage with our work is by following our Instagram account, @XavierBrueggemanCenter. Check our account for updates from current fellows, stories from past fellows, and information regarding applications for the next cycle of Winter-Cohen Brueggeman Fellows.

20-year Anniversary of the Fellows Program

In the Fall of 2024, the Winter-Cohen Brueggeman Fellowship will celebrate its 20th anniversary. Our Center is tentatively planning a reunion celebration event for November 2024. More information will be provided as we continue to develop our plans. If you are a former Brueggeman fellow, please be sure to fill out our Alumni Update form so that we have your current information. 

March Gladness

You can direct one-time gifts to the Brueggeman Fellows program through the annual 48-hour March Gladness giving campaign hosted by Xavier University. The window to donate during March Gladness 2024 was from March 19 to 20. Want to join our campaign in 2025? Stay tuned for details!