Core for Faculty and Staff

Core Vision, Goals, and Objectives

The underpinnings for an undergraduate core curriculum flow out of Xavier's long-standing commitment to liberal arts, the Catholic intellectual tradition, and Jesuit education.

Rooted in the liberal arts, Xavier's core liberates and humanizes by deepening students' understanding, developing their abilities, and promoting openness and respect.
Furthering the Catholic intellectual tradition, Xavier's core brings faith into dialogue with reason, and thus addresses the whole person, intellectually, morally, and spiritually.
And carrying Jesuit education into the twenty-first century, Xavier's core develops men and women for others-one for all-committed to six distinctive Jesuit values:
Core Vision, Goals, and Objectives Pie Chart

Invites us to work in a spirit of generous excellence.

Goal: Students consider the greater good in pursuing academic excellence.

Invites us to pause and consider the world around us and our place in it.

Goal: Students gain knowledge, ask questions, develop skills, and form conclusions through reflective thinking.

Invites us to be open to God's spirit as we consider our feelings and rational thought in order to make decisions and take action that will contribute good to our lives and the world around us.

Goal: Students gain knowledge, ask questions, develop skills, and form conclusions through reflective thinking.

Invites us to view each person as a unique creation of God.

Goal: Students work collaboratively and effectively with diverse groups toward personal and common good.

Invites us to walk alongside and learn from our companions, both near and far, as we journey through life.

Goal: Students integrate varying perspectives that link local and global realities.

Invites us to invest our lives into the well-being of our neighbors, particularly those who suffer injustice.

Goal: Students serve as responsible members of society particularly concerned for and united with those who suffer injustice.
  • Objective 6a: Students investigate the root causes of injustice with compassion and academic rigor. - In Ethics/Religion and Society Elective and numerous other core courses.
  • Objective 6b: Students describe the evolution of their vocation and aspirations to contribute to the world. - In First Year Seminar and other core Xavier experiences.

[1] Adolfo Nicolás at Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan, March 2014, reported in National Catholic Reporter, March 18, 2014.