Core for Faculty and Staff

Liberal Arts Perspectives: Historical

Historical perspectives

Core Course Description

In an effort to increase student understanding of the purpose of and interconnectivity between core courses, the syllabus should include the following statement (which is not a Catalog text):

"History helps us to identify the ways in which societies differ and change, as well as how the past still affects the present. Here, you will develop historical skills through analytical reading and writing, and you will interpret a variety of texts, images, and/or artifacts within their historical context. By analyzing the complicated process of change over time and grappling with historical questions and arguments, you will be better able to navigate the diverse, complex and interdependent modern world."

Student Learning Objectives

Student Learning Objectives are assessable and must be included in all syllabi. SLOs will be measured through the efforts of the Core Curriculum Assessment Committee and possibly through student evaluations. Each syllabus should contain the following:

"This course is part of the Xavier Core Curriculum, which aims to develop people of learning and reflection, integrity and achievement, in solidarity for and with others. It addresses the following core learning objectives at the introductory level:

1a: Students recognize and cogently discuss significant questions in the humanities, arts, and the natural and social sciences.

5a: Students examine the diverse, complex, and interdependent nature of people in the world.

[The above is a minimum for Historical Perspectives. Individual instructors are encouraged to add other core SLOs as appropriate.]

In addition to Xavier core learning objectives, this course includes these other key learning objectives:

[Additional SLOs to be determined by individual instructors/departments]"

Course Principles

In this course, students will:
  • Identify and locate sources.
    • Differentiate between primary and secondary sources.
  • Analyze and evaluate sources.
    • Compare two primary sources.
    • Place a primary source within its historical context.
    • Articulate the argument presented in a secondary source.
  • Construct arguments about the past.
    • Cogently discuss significant questions and arguments about the past.
    • Use appropriate evidence to build a logical argument.
  • Explain change over time.
    • Explain how historians explain change over time.
    • Explain the intersection of individuals, society, and environment in creating change over time.

Approval Procedure

Historical Perspectives courses are primarily offered by the History Department. The courses focus on different periods, places, and regions depending on the instructor. If you would like to teach a Historical Perspectives course, submit your request to the History Department Chair, who will review it and make a recommendation to CCC.