College of Arts and Sciences

Meaningful impact and contributions

Serving on the College of Arts and Sciences' Student Advisory Board has been among the most fulfilling experiences of my time at Xavier University. Each meeting has been a testament to the impact our ideas and contributions can have on campus. The opportunity to have our voices heard by higher-ups and witness the direct changes resulting from our discussions has been incredibly rewarding.
Initially, I was nervous about joining a board that included the dean of the college. However, any apprehensions quickly dissipated as I experienced the genuine care and attentiveness of every board member. This environment fostered a sense of safety and openness, allowing us to freely express our opinions and ideas.
Attending board meetings has consistently been a highlight for me. Not only do I gain valuable insights from my peers, but also from the advisors. Each meeting is characterized by laughter, camaraderie, and meaningful discussions. While the perks like food are nice, the true reward lies in witnessing the tangible impact of our words and actions on campus.
One particularly memorable meeting occurred during a period of high tension on campus. Despite the challenging circumstances, the board facilitated a constructive dialogue that gave me hope for our community's ability to enact positive change. Dr. Mengel's powerful speech during this meeting left a lasting impression on me. That speech he gave that day will be one I will remember for the rest of my life.
Overall, serving on this board has been a highlight of my time at Xavier. I've learned invaluable lessons from both my peers and advisors, lessons that will stay with me beyond graduation. I'm grateful for Dr. Ray's nomination, as it played a significant role in shaping my experience and fostering positive change at Xavier University.

Nijah Simmons
Class of 2024
CAS Student Advisory Board Member
Pre-Med Student Association President

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