Cura Personalis
An unsurpassed campus experience that transforms the mind, body and spirit
Cura Personalis is one of Xavier’s foundational Ignatian tenets, animating our interactions with students, colleagues and our neighbors. Rooted in our Jesuit heritage, this commitment of 'care for the entire person' must be central to each of our decisions and actions across this community. This care must live in the classroom, in the locker rooms, in the residence halls, in our university offices, and in all of our interactions beyond Xavier’s borders. It is a responsibility that we are each called to undertake as we encounter one another as entire persons, extending care for every aspect of our shared humanity.

Implement a comprehensive, transformative first year experience.
As students approach college from increasingly diverse backgrounds and lived experiences – academically, socioeconomically, spiritually – there is an increased emphasis on a first-year experience that lays the groundwork for ongoing success. Xavier will undertake a reimagining of that entire experience, fostering environments in the classroom, in the residence halls, in our extracurricular opportunities and in the community that integrate best practices in this critical year in student development.

Set the national bar for innovative, holistic collegiate health.
Working with extraordinary community health partners, Xavier has set itself on a pathway to prominence in the co-creation of national model of collegiate health. As we encounter, globally, the struggle of a college-aged population grappling with mental health, Xavier recommits to this work, to building structures that will advance students’ abilities to develop resilience and to manage the stressors that they face, both large and small. Xavier will continue to support an environment that prioritizes the eight dimensions of well-being (physical, financial, spiritual, purpose, intellectual, community, emotional and social) across our student population.

Achieve excellence across DEIAB innovation, outcomes, and impact.
In support of Xavier’s continuing commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility and Belonging (DEIAB) across and beyond our campus community, Xavier will create a first of its kind DEIAB Innovation hub focused on actively researching and initiating innovative, strategic solutions tackling issues impacting diverse communities in higher education. Xavier’s efforts in this area will lead our peers and will lead to improved recruitment and retention of students and colleagues who have been traditionally underrepresented on our campus and who, by their lived experiences, will enrich our community.

Deepen our strong culture of philanthropy, seeking better ways to serve our students and one another with a generosity of heart.
Given emerging demographic and economic trends, Xavier must seek to advance our philanthropic culture, inviting those across the Xavier family to continue to generously support our students our stated priorities, as we continue our mission into the future.