Physics and Engineering Department

Dr. Terrence Toepker

Professor Emeritus, Physics and Engineering Department

Terry Toepker, known as "T Squared", has been part of the Xavier Physics Family since 1966. He has served the university as a faculty member, department chair, and member of many committees. In his teaching experience he has taught elementary school, high school, undergraduate and graduate classes.

Outside of the university he co-founded the Tri-State Physics Teachers with the goal to facilitate physics education and communication in area high schools and colleges. He has been an officer in the Southern Ohio Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers (SOS-AAPT). Nationally he has served as the chair of the AAPT Committee on Undergraduate Education in Physics.

T2 is known for probing questions particularly when he does not know the complete answer. Many times these questions result in an article in The Physics Teacher.

Dr. Toepker's publications.


  • PhD, University of Cincinnati
  • MS, Xavier University
  • MEd, Xavier University
  • BS, Xavier University

Awards, Honors, Certifications

  • Joan G. McDonald Outstanding Teacher in Science Award, Xavier, 1998