Mara Vaughn
University Lab School Instructor, Middle School
Mara Vaughn completed her Master of Education in Montessori Education at Xavier University in 2023.
Her academic journey began at Ball State University, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology with honors. Alongside her psychology major, she pursued a diverse range of interests by minoring in Criminal Justice, Counseling Psychology, and Classical Cultures.
She is currently a Co-LeadTeacher within Xavier's Montessori Lab School and Teaching Professor.
In this dual role, she imparts her knowledge and expertise to future educators while directly nurturing young minds in the classroom. With her strong academic background, extensive teaching experience, and unwavering commitment to Montessori principles, she is a respected figure in the field of education. Her influence on the Montessori community, both as an educator and mentor, is profound. Her mission to instill creativity, independence, and a lifelong love of learning in children embodies the essence of Montessori education.
Hobbies/Fun Facts: I am an athletic trainer for the semi-professional football team the Indy Bison. I play slow-pitch softball. I love to read books, specifically fantasy. I love to travel!
Favorite part of Montessori: My favorite part of Montessori is the fact that we get to work with and care about the whole child. It is something that I believe is vital to success in schools and it is something that we champion.