Student Consumer Information

Institutional Disclosure Requirements

Official Sources for Information on Institutional Disclosure Requirements Under the HEA (as Amended by the HEOA)


U.S. Code: Title 20, Education, Chapter 28 ? Higher Education Resources and Student Assistance

U.S. Code: Title 20, Education, Chapter 31 ? General Provisions Concerning Education 

Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-315)

Higher Education Technical Corrections (2009) (Public Law 111-39)


U.S. Department of Education

The Department of Education provides guidance for compliance with the HEA disclosure requirements in three primary ways.

1. Regulations

Current Regulations. Most of the current regulations implementing the HEA disclosure requirements are found in Chapter VI of Title 34 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations.

Title 34, Parts 86 and 99.

Rulemaking Process. For general information about the Department of Education;s rulemaking process for the HEA amendments in the HEOA.

Proposed New Regulations.
Proposed new regulations for the new or revised disclosures required under the HEOA amendments to the HEA were published in the July 28, 2009 Federal Register for the loan-related disclosures, and in the August 21, 2009 Federal Register for the non-loan-related disclosures.

Final Regulations

Final regulations for the revised or new loan-related disclosures required under the HEOA amendments to Title I and Title IV of the HEA were published in the October 28, 2009 Federal Register: Institutions and Lender Requirements Relating to Education Loans, Student Assistance General Provisions, Federal Perkins Loan Program, Federal Family Education Loan Program, and William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program; Final Rule.

Final Regulations for the revised or new non-loan-related disclosures required under the HEOA amendments to Title IV of the HEA were published in the October 29, 2009 Federal Register: General and Non-Loan Programmatic Issues; Final Rule .

Note: Regulations for the HEOA amendments to the Truth in Lending Act (TILA) were issued August 14, 2009, by the Federal Reserve . The effective date for the TILA regulations is September 14, 2009. Compliance is optional until February 14, 2010.

2. Dear Colleague Letters.
The DCL GEN-08-12 published December 2008 provides information about the HEOA.

3. The Federal Student Aid Handbook.

HEA disclosure requirements are covered in chapters 3 and 6 of volume 2 of the Handbook, School Eligibility and Operations.


Other Department of Education Resources

The Office of Postsecondary Education (or OPE) administers the data collection and the Department of Education reporting for

  • Campus Security
  • Equity in Athletics (intercollegiate athletic program participation rates and financial support data)
  • Title II, HEA Teacher Preparation Program Reports

Information for each of these reporting requirements is available under Data Collection and Reporting.

NCES conducts IPEDS. Complete information about the IPEDS surveys and the College Navigator website.