Classics and Modern Languages

Jose Maria Mantero

Professor, Spanish

José María Mantero earned his Ph.D. from the University of Georgia and is Professor of Spanish at Xavier University (Cincinnati, OH). He has authored a book on the Argentine writer Marta Traba (La voz política de Marta Traba. Madrid: Editorial Endymión, 1995) and another on the impact of Latinos on the U.S. South (Latinos and the U.S. South. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2008). He has also published an anthology of Nicaraguan poetry (Nuevos poetas de Nicaragua. El Ferrol: Esquío, 2004) and a number of critical articles on Latin American and Spanish literature in journals such as Hispanófila, Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, Letras Hispanas, The Journal of Hispanic Modernism, Chasqui, The Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts, Romance Studies, Latin American Literary Review, and Revista La Torre, among others. His current research interests lie in the manifestation and construction of national and regional identities in Latin American literature across a range of genres, including poetry, memoirs, testimonios, and works of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. His most recent work on the work of Omar Cabezas, Gabriel Trujillo Muñoz, and Alberto Chimal turns on the challenges and opportunities presented by decolonizing narratives and the discursive spaces created in their wake.