Lauren Laker, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Business Analytics and Information Systems
I joined Xavier University first in 2010 and taught in the mathematics department for a year. After completing my PhD in Operations, Business Analytics, and Information Systems at the University of Cincinnati in 2015, I joined the Williams College Business in the Business Analytics and Information Systems Department. I teach the business analytics and data mining courses to both the undergraduate and graduate students.
My research focuses on the effective allocation and application of resources (human and physical). My early work was primarily in healthcare operations, but has expanded to other areas over the years. My research draws from and contributes to the fields of operations research/management, behavioral science, and information systems. The research questions I explore can often be applied more broadly to service operations in general. Since my research is motivated by problems faced by industry, I strive to ensure that the new knowledge being generated has practical implications for business organizations and practitioners.
First Year at Xavier
- Ph.D., Operations, Business Analytics, and Information Systems, University of Cincinnati, 2015
- Master of Business Administration, Xavier University, 2010
- Bachelor of Science, Secondary Mathematics Education, Miami University, 2000
- Bachelor of Arts, Mathematics and Statistics, Miami University, 2000
- Laker L., Froehle C, Windeler J, Lindsell C. “Quality and Efficiency in Clinical Decision-Making: Information Overload and Emphasis Framing.” 2018 Production and Operations Management 27(12), 2213-2225.
- Laker, L., Torabi E., France D.J., Froehle C.M., Goldlust E.J., Hoot N.R., Kasaie P., Lyons M.S., Barg-Walkow L.H., Ward M.J. and Wears R.L. 2018 "Understanding Emergency Care Delivery through Computer Simulation Modeling," Academic Emergency Medicine 25(2), 116-127.
- Ward M., Ferrand Y., Laker L., Froehle C., Vogus T., Dittus R., Kripalani S., and Pines J. 2015 “The Nature and Necessity of Operational Flexibility in the Emergency Department,” Annals of Emergency Medicine 65(2), 156-161.
- Laker L., Froehle C., Lindsell C., Ward M. 2014 “The Flex Track: Flexible Partitioning between Low- and High-Acuity Areas of an Emergency Department,” Annals of Emergency Medicine 64(6), 591-603.
- Smith G., Laker L., and Tesch, D. 2013 "Lessons Learned: The Evolution of an Undergraduate Research Program." Information Systems Education Journal 11(4), 31-38.