Rachel Ritter

Rachel Ritter

Regional Recruitment Director, Undergraduate Admission

First Year at Xavier



Welcome to Xavier! I’m Rachel Ritter, and I specialize in working with our military-related families! I am based in Colorado Springs and work with our students and families out west. I have been in the admission field since I graduated from undergrad and I love helping students find a school that feels like home to them.

I love to hike, paddleboard, and explore new restaurants outside of work. Please send any food recommendations my way!

Cleveland, OH

Favorite thing about Xavier
The people! Everyone at Xavier is so welcoming, the faculty and staff truly are there because they love the students and the Xavier mission. They make the campus such a special place to be!

Favorite thing about Cincinnati
My favorite thing about Cincinnati is the food! There is always somewhere new to try, and something going on Downtown to explore.

Best advice for seniors who are making their college decision
Don't let the decision process be too stressful! College is what you make of it, so find a place that you feel comfortable getting involved and exploring your options. Trust your gut!