Confetti falls as Xavier graduates dressed in cap and gown applaud, with one making an X symbol with his arms, during the 2023 spring commencement ceremonies.

Xavier Celebrates 2,100-plus Graduates at Spring Commencement

May 13, 2023

NOTE: This page will be updated with the full recordings of each ceremony, clips from commencement speakers, and more content from Saturday's festivities.

More than 2,100 students officially put the cap on their college careers at Xavier University’s 185th Commencement Ceremonies, held Saturday at the Cintas Center.

For this year’s spring commencement, Xavier conferred 1,465 undergraduate degrees and 640 graduate degrees to a group representing 20 countries and nations. These figures also include graduates from August 2022 and December 2022.


Celebrating her second commencement since joining the university in 2021, Xavier President Colleen Hanycz, PhD, noted the breadth of this year's graduating class while recognizing the students' shared mission.

"You have left your handprints all over this campus," Hanycz said during her commencement remarks. "You have inspired and challenged us in so many ways. You reflect the very highest elements of our Jesuit Catholic mission at Xavier, and we have relished watching you become the best possible version of yourselves. While you have surely been transformed by Xavier, be certain that Xavier is transformed because of you. Regardless of where your next voyage takes you, you are forever Musketeers.”


Retired General Michael X. Garrett ('84), who capped off a nearly 40-year career with the U.S. Army in September, gave the commencement address to undergraduates. After receiving his honorary degree, the four-star general implored today’s graduates to thank their loved ones for the support given throughout students’ journeys at Xavier. Garrett (pictured above with Hanycz) also shared his No.-1 piece of advice for graduates to carry forward.

“The most important rule I’ve followed is a simple one — never walk past trash ... Don’t walk past a single piece of trash without picking it up." Garrett said during his address. "Don’t allow yourself to notice something wrong happening around you without doing something to make it right. It’s the one rule that’s gotten me out of more tight situations than any other and allowed me to serve in the highest ranks of the world’s greatest military. Doing so might just take you somewhere even more interesting.”

Margaret Schroeder (pictured below), this year’s John A. Elet, S.J., Scholar and a member of the Class of 2023, spoke to her fellow classmates about remaining “unfinished” as they venture out.

“We remain unfinished by looking backward and by looking forward,” Schroeder said. “Looking backward, we celebrate how Xavier shapes us. We remember our first moments on campus; newspaper confetti in the thunderous Musketeer student section; homemade “Caf” cookies; deep conversations on the Xavier Yard; professors who share not only what they know but who they are; the first time we said "home" and meant Xavier; and strangers-turned-friends with whom we celebrate today. Looking forward, we transcribe these memories into maps. Xavier’s mission equips us with more than degrees; as we set out to grow, we build upon Xavier’s foundations that guide us in seeking Magis — that something deeper, for and with others.”


The graduate commencement speaker, Talbert House President and CEO Neil Tilow (’74, ‘80 M.S.), has held the position for more than four decades and originally joined the nonprofit in 1974 while he was still an undergraduate at Xavier. In addition to urging students to prioritize the mental health of themselves and others, Tilow spoke on the importance of working alongside competent teammates with a shared vision, referencing his fellow leaders at Talbert House.

“The continuity of that team is so powerful. This is especially true during the pandemic years when the 'great resignation effect' started to take place,” Tilow said. “In my mind, relationships are king. While I know others say cash is king, I believe that managing a team of people and connecting on a personal level is much more important, because we all know that very few of us can be successful on our own.”

Xavier also recognized Mack Mariani, PhD, a professor of political science at the university. Mariani (pictured below with Xavier Provost Rachel Chrastil and Hanycz) was named this year's Alpha Sigma Nu Teacher of the Year for his profound impact on students through his excellence in teaching.


Saturday's graduates join a network of more than 80,000 Xavier alumni from across the globe.

Commencement Photos

Take A Look At Some of the Best Images From Saturday's Commencement Ceremony:

Commencement Videos

2023 Undergraduate Ceremony


2023 Graduate Ceremony


Undergraduate Commencement Address - General Michael Garrett


Graduate Commencement Address - Neil Tilow, Talbert House President and CEO

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