Classics and Modern Languages

Michael Zalenski

The honors Bachelor of Arts program teaches you to how learn more than any other college major.

I came from a high school that took Latin and Greek very seriously. I had no idea what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. All I knew was that I liked to study ancient languages, which is why I decided to enroll in the HAB program at Xavier. I was challenged more than I had ever anticipated and forced to study more than ever before despite my high school preparation. I got through it and now realize that every HAB has this same experience: the program forces us all to learn how to study efficiently.

I majored in classics at Xavier, but I also picked up minors in philosophy, mathematics, and natural science, and in order to get into medical school, I had to excel in all of my classes. The HAB program made it easier to do this by challenging me to develop my own talent and apply it to every one of my classes.

I applied to medical school my senior year, and for all those about to embark upon this journey, you will discover it is a difficult one. I was accepted my second year out, and it helped that I had a well-rounded resume.

The most rewarding thing about HAB is learning how to study: I learned to quiz myself relentlessly and to test myself on what I really knew versus what I merely recalled. This has allowed me to succeed beyond expectation in medical school. It doesn't matter where you are accepted; it matters how you manage that high-stress environment. The HAB program gives you a taste of this without destroying your college experience.

The HAB program will challenge you to the most of your ability. It will teach you invaluable skills that will help you master material unlike any other college major. As a medical student, I might not have the edge over those with an MA in microbiology, but I am able to learn material more quickly than they do.

If you should happen to choose this program, you will never feel you wasted your time. I wish you all the best in your studies.