Cascade CMS

Version 4.5 Content Updates

In the upcoming weeks following Thanksgiving, we will be doing some minor upgrades and updates to our Cascade content pages as we begin to work towards the launch of the Fifth Version of (also known as v5). These will include:

In this document, we'll review the new options and outline what's changing.

Hero Images

Prior to Thanksgiving, the MarTech (formerly Web Services) team will update Content Pages to use a new Editor. This editor will include a new "Hero" group, which will not be in use prior to January 2020. After the beginning of the year, and launch of V5, we will be then offering options for updating your hero (formerly banner) images. 

Each image will be hand selected by the design team and will be updated periodically. 

After the migration to the new editor, we will be temporarily defaulting our "banner" images to use the same image. This will only take effect after you publish your page in the new editor format.

Include in Navigation

Including a page in the navigation will now be a Radio button instead of a checkbox to make it clear, what the options are. The new "Include in Navigation" radio button will be in the "Metadata" tab of the editor window.

Removing Navigation From Entire Page

If you have previously used the Full Width editing mode (hiding the left-hand navigation) we are removing the checkbox option and creating a "no-nav" tag that can be used to hide the navigation list from a specific page.

The "Tags" box can be found at the very bottom of the "Content" tab inside of the editor window.

Removal of Right Content

To create a better flow, we have decided to drop the right-content area from all content pages. This will allow our website visitors to understand the visual flow of the website. MarTech will be working with departments that are using this feature to find a solution for your content. 

We highly recommend creating new pages for important content and ensuring your navigation makes logical sense for your website visitors, while also maintaining a scannable structure of headings and additional content.

Updated WYSIWYG Styles

This change will not take affect until v5 is launched in January. MarTech will be looking at offering updated stylings (using the "Format" drop down) to allow you to enhance your content. These styles should not be over-used but should use to point out important details. Just remember:

"If everything is important, then nothing is." ― Patrick Lencioni

Questions or Suggestions for Improvement

If you have any questions about the upcoming releases, please let Rob team know.

We're also always looking for new ideas and ways to make your job easier. If you have any suggestions, or improvements on the Cascade workflow, please let us know.