Mission and Identity for Trustees

Life of Ignatius

The Founder of the Jesuits


Narrated by Ms. Ann Finefrock Hoffman, '75, Trustee since 2007. (The Introduction can also be read here.)


A Biography - St. Ignatius Loyola: The Founder of the Jesuits
George Traub, S.J. and Debra Mooney, Ph.D.

Reflection Questions:

  • What experiences in St. Ignatius's early life helped him to be the leader that he was in the last 16 years of his life?
  • What are some key events (i.e., circumstance, decision, coincidences) in my life that have led me to be the leader-trustee that I am today?
  • What life circumstances, leadership qualities, and/or governance styles do I have in common with St. Ignatius?
  • Why did I accept the invitation to serve on Xavier's Board?


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